Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Need a hand for your venous exams?

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We understand!VenaPulse Hands Free Augmentation Device for venous exams

How many times have you been multitasking during a venous exam and then realized you needed a better way to do augmentations? Actually, you may have gotten into the habit of just asking one of your colleagues to assist you while you work with the duplex ultrasound. While it’s nice that you get to spend some extra time bonding, the reality is that you’d rather not have to depend on them for doing something a machine could do.

Lucky for you, we’ve got such a machine! It’s called the VenaPulse® Hands-Free Augmentation Device. It was clinically assessed by vascular technologists so that you can get that venous exam done that much more quickly. All you have to do is use the foot pedal every time you want to do an augmentation.

Not only is the VenaPulse® device there for you when you need it, it’s also compact enough to tote around from room to room in just one trip. Convenience!

All VenaPulse® device orders automatically come with the accessories you need to get started right away:  compression cuffs, tubing sets, foot pedal and of course the controller.

Unlike any other manufacturer, we also offer foot compression cuffs for looking at perforators and full-length calf cuffs for emptying even more blood.

Have questions? Our specialists love answering questions! When you call ACI Medical, you’ll be talking to people whose job it is to make sure you’re well-informed about the product and confident in your decisions.

Give us a ring! Lennie Arkans, RN, our friendly vascular specialist, can be reached at (619) 787-8100 or

Read more details about the VenaPulse® Augmentation Device by clicking the picture.

VenaPulse Hands-Free Augmentation Device for venous examsUpdate!

Recent work at the Oregon Institute of Technology’s Vascular Technology program has shown that using the patented foot VenaPulse Device Foot Inflation Cuff for venous examsinflation cuff for augmentations is sufficient for viewing valves up in the sapheno-femoral vein in all but a few patients. This new development makes using the VenaPulse® device even easier, thereby cutting down exam times even more. This cuff will now be provided with every VenaPulse® device order.

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