APG Air PlethysmographBelow is an abstract of a pretty short publication introducing the APG® Air Plethysmograph.

Air plethysmography is a completely non-invasive diagnostic system used to quantify the severity of venous disease. The patient is only required to wear a sensor cuff around the leg. If desired, the diagnostic exam can also accommodate superficial occlusion tests and compression stockings.

Using the APG®’s user-friendly program, both patients and doctors can decide on the best course of action based on the APG®’s findings and predictions.

APG Air Plethysmograph GraphBefore this non-invasive technology was developed, technicians used to insert a large needle into the patient’s foot and have them do toe-ups – very unpleasant. But now, to everyone’s relief, there is an accurate alternative.






ABSTRACT: Air Plethysmography has contributed to a better understanding of lower limb circulatory problems. First established as a powerful research tool, APG Air PlethysmographAPG® is now used to make clinical decisions. For venous disease, APG® separately quantifies each of the hemodynamic factors responsible for the patient’s problems, i.e. obstruction (acute and chronic), reflux and calf muscle pump function. Treatment is directed toward correcting the appropriate cause(s) of disease. For arterial disease, APG® measures limb blood flow in ml/second. For access graft placement, APG® helps identify the most appropriate limb. Described below are specific areas in which APG® provides valuable information for patient management complementing older established diagnostic methods.

A.N. Nicolaides, MS, D. Christopoulos, MD and G. Goren, MD, London, Thessaloniki and Los Angeles

Click here to learn more about the APG® Venous Diagnostic System

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