Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

A Big Kudos to ACI’s Customer Service Team!

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As you may or may not know, ACI Medical has a small business attitude when it comes to customers and clients. Even though we do distribute the ArtAssist® device through other (exceptional) organizations, we have always been involved in making sure patients are satisfied with their therapy. The ArtAssist® device has so much to offer for non-operable patients, but what really matters is when a support system comes through.

Here is a recent example of how our customer service team works to serve patients (letter is unabridged except for identifying information):

Dear Don,

My husband and I want to thank you for the expeditious service in receiving the ACI medical device.

I know that the device has improved his circulation. Due to his chronic health issues, (COPD, diabetic, kidney problems), the vascular surgeon said that my husband will no longer be a candidate for surgery. It is the ACI device that is currently maintaining proper circulation to his legs, feet, & toes.

I am an advocate for this device and have watched his ulcer wounds heal with consistent and proper use of the device.

Per our phone conversation on Monday, October 14, you advised me that I would receive another machine due to the unfortunate malfunction of the one that I originally received. Today, October 15th, Tuesday, at 9:30 AM eastern time, the doorbell rang and on our front steps was the new replacement.

Two words for your service, appreciation and gratitude. You too have now become a major contributor to my husband’s health and well being.

With much appreciation,

Carol W.


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