Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

ArtAssist® and Fluorescent Angiography: First Prize at Desert Foot 2015

“Treatment of Non-Bypassable Critical Limb Threatening Ischemia with Ischemic Ulcers Utilizing ArtAssist Monitored with Fluorescent Angiography” takes first prize at a major medical meeting

Phoenix, AZ – The abstract committee awarded the presentation that monitored ArtAssist device treatment of limb-threatening conditions with fluorescent angiography first prize in the Non-Residency category at the annual Desert Foot meeting that took place from November 18-20, 2015. Thuy Le, DPM of Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington accepted the $1500 prize on behalf of the research team. Submitted abstract presentations at Desert Foot were evaluated based on scientific method, perceived importance, innovation, and evidence level.

According to the researchers, 12 million people in the United States are affected by Peripheral Arterial Disease. Those with PAD suffer from conditions caused by poor blood flow to the arteries outside the heart. Severe conditions include Critical Limb Ischemia, where treatment options indicate surgery to correct the issue. Ischemic ulcers that are difficult to heal are often a consequence of poor blood flow. Patients who cannot undergo a surgical revascularization are many times slated for partial or major limb amputation.

In recent years, the ArtAssist® device has entered the market with the claim that patients who cannot undergo surgical revascularization can be spared from major amputation. The ArtAssist® device uses a patented rapid compression sequence to stimulate increased arterial blood flow to the limbs. Patients use the device at home with a physician’s prescription.

The winning presentation covered the use of Novadaq’s LUNA™ Fluorescence Angiography with SPYQ technology to monitor the progress of non-operable patients who were treated with the ArtAssist® device to restore arterial blood flow to the limbs. LUNA™ technology allowed the Madigan AMC research team to visualize the changes in blood flow brought on by the ArtAssist® device with minimal risk to the study patients.

The first study patient presented with a persisting pressure ulcer that resisted multiple topical treatment modalities. Before and after images of the ulcer showed complete healing and significantly increased blood flow after two weeks of ArtAssist® device treatment.

The second study patient presented with a gangrenous toe that was amputated in an effort to stop the spread of the disease. When this was unsuccessful, the patient was faced with major amputation of the foot or above the knee. ArtAssist® device treatment was initiated to preserve the limb. The patient achieved full healing at the end of seven weeks.

Ultimately, the researchers concluded, the combined treatments of the ArtAssist® device, debridement, offloading, and topical wound care contributed to successful limb preservation. LUNA™ fluorescent angiography with SPYQ technology was an effective means of monitoring and quantifying the patients’ improvement.

The team’s final note:  consider the ArtAssist® device before amputating non-operable limbs.

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View the winning abstract:

Treatment of Non-BypassableCritical Limb Threatening Ischemia with Ischemic UlcersUtilizing ArtAssistMonitored with Fluorescent Angiography



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Visit ACI Medical at Desert Foot 2013

Desert Foot, the High Risk Diabetic Foot Conference, takes place from November 20-22, 2013 in Phoenix, AZ.ArtAssist device with case report

If you are attending, we would love for you to stop by the ACI Medical booth to talk to Dana Lockrey, our National Account Manager.

You can contact him before the meeting at regarding treatment with ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device® for the non-invasive treatment of diabetic ulcers and PAD.

Dana has tremendous experience handling VA accounts and working with veterans.

Additionally, don’t forget to listen in on “Programmed Pneumatic Compression: New Advances in Arteriogenesis” on November 20 from 4:20 to 4:40. Groundbreaking research has been done on the effects of pneumatic compression therapy on non-operable patients with severe circulatory disease. To get an idea before the meeting, visit the Arteriogenesis section on our Clinical Studies page.

Click here to view the entire Desert Foot program online.

We hope to see you there!

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Paul van Bemmelen, MD, PhD: Arterial Pumps for Limb Salvage and Wound Healing

paul van bemmelen md phdLast October, Dr. Paul van Bemmelen gave a presentation at the podiatry conference Superbones West about using arterial pump technology to treat peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities.

Click on the link below to view the presentation – it lets you skip to the parts you want to see!

Arterial pumps for limb-salvage and wound-healing

Dr. van Bemmelen’s personal blog:



ArtAssist Arterial Assist Device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

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