Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Photos from the 2013 Venous Symposium in New York

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Here are some great photos of Professor Nicos Labropoulos of SUNY, one of the meeting’s Course Directors, demonstrating live venapulse hands-free augmentation device foot cuffimaging for attendees with the help of ACI Medical’s VenaPulse® device.

Professor Labropoulos regularly uses the hands-free augmentation device to make teaching less strenuous.

At the 2013 Venous Symposium, the blue inflation cuff is being used for demonstrations. Recently, work at the Oregon Institute of Technology has shown that use of a foot inflation cuff can be effective for viewing valves up to the sapheno-femoral junction. Read more on the VenaPulse® device home page.

Special thanks to Barb Gentilli for taking all the wonderful photos and to Professor Labropoulos!


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