Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Rapid foot augmentations: A recent development in VenaPulse® Hands-Free device technology

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VenaPulse Device Foot Inflation CuffRecent work at the Oregon Institute of Technology has shown that rapidly compressing the foot during venous evaluations (using the VenaPulse ®device) will give vascular technologists the ability to identify valvular reflux up through the sapheno-femoral junction.

Until recently, the VenaPulse ® Hands-Free Augmentation Device for venous evaluations has only employed an inflation cuff that wraps around the leg and must be moved each time a technologist wishes to document a different valve. While this method was already as efficient and reliable as manual augmentations*, there was still room for improvement.

Initially, the foot inflation cuff was designed to allow vascular technologists to view distal valves that could not otherwise be seen with the blue calf wrap. This changed when work at OIT discovered that the foot cuff alone was capable of giving technologists an unobstructed view of venous valves throughout the entire limb.

In short, using the VenaPulse ® device for venous evaluations is now an even more efficient and ergonomic tool for augmentations, now that adjusting the cuff is unnecessary. VenaPulse Hands-Free Augmentation Device for Venous Exams

The foot cuff itself is patented and was specifically designed to rapidly empty the foot veins proximally. The foot augmentation method was shown to be effective in all but a few patients. For this reason, the calf wrap is still available.

Give us a call or send us an email today to learn how you can obtain the VenaPulse ® device for your vascular lab:

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