Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Arterial Pump Choosing Guide

At ACI Medical, we know that there are more home-use intermittent pneumatic compression devices (in other words, arterialArtAssist device patient pumps) similar to the ArtAssist® device out on the market, but here is the best we can say for them:  they may work, they may not. This is because the ArtAssist® device is the only device of its kind to have been optimized to treat arterial disease through clinical trials at multiple independent centers. In other words, research done on the ArtAssist® device itself supports our claims about its capabilities.

Through numerous clinical trials, ACI Medical’s researchers have determined what the ArtAssist® device system needs to increase blood flow to the lower extremities as much as it does. If you’re thinking about getting an arterial pump to treat PAD (peripheral arterial disease), here’s what you should look for and why:

Cuff Specifications

Bladder Locations

artassist arterial pump cuff

It is important to have air bladders compressing the foot, ankle and calf regions because this promotes more blood flow to the skin.

When you are considering an arterial pump, also take a look at the size of the air bladders. The larger they are, the more tissue they’re

going to reach. The more tissue they reach, the more circulation.

Inflation and Deflation Rates

Research shows that quick inflation and deflation rates of the air bladders (less than half a second) put what’s called shear stress on your blood cells. Shear stress is good, because when your endothelial cells experience it, they release a muscle relaxant (or a vasodilator called nitric oxide) that helps open the small collateral arteries that are capable of naturally bypassing the blocked artery. It takes around 3 months, and the improvements are long-term. We call this process arteriogenesis or collateralization

Now, this process I described does take a lot longer (typically between 3-6 months) than an open bypass operation, but for people who aren’t good candidates for surgery, it may be worth it to look into arterial pump treatment.

Cuff Pressure

ArtAssist compression sequence 120mmhg

Rapid sequential compression

Now you know that cuffs should have large bladders at the foot, ankle and calf and that they should inflate and deflate quickly. But what kind of pressure should the air bladders reach?

The answer that researchers found was 120 millimeters of Mercury (mmHg), which is about the pressure of a very firm handshake. Below this pressure, blood flow was not as high. Above 120 mmHg was unnecessary and, furthermore, uncomfortable for patients.

Clinical Research

You know I’ve been hinting at it, and I can’t stress it enough:  make sure the device you invest in has clinical research supporting its claims. Research done at respected institutions is usually a very good sign for an arterial pump you’re considering. Also, if you can find a study that’s been done on patients with your diagnosis, even better!


Being optimized to treat arterial disease is of the utmost importance. Research at the Mayo Clinic suggested that if a pump is NOT optimized for arterial disease, using it could actually DECREASE blood flow – a waste of your precious time and money! For example, some arterial pumps on the market have been modified from DVT prophylaxes and do not have much published clinical support.

So, like any decision you make concerning your health, I encourage you to do a bit of research and ask yourself:  did the makers of this arterial pump design it specifically to treat arterial disease? Straight answers are the best.

Customer Service

Patient Compliance

Basically, make sure you can commit to using your arterial pump for however often your physician has prescribed it. As an example, we’ve seen the ArtAssist® device do amazing things for people – and it’s because they got into the habit of using it every day.

Patient Accommodation

Are you dealing with a special condition? Have you already had a below-knee amputation or are you unable to tolerate foot compression? Is your situation unique? It’s helpful to know that your arterial pump provider is knowledgeable enough to listen to what you’re going through and find a solution so you can get the therapy you need.

Obtaining Your Therapy

Just consider:  how many numbers do you have to call to get an arterial pump? Do you have to go to a clinic every day or can you conveniently keep it at home? Find an arterial pump provider that makes it as easy as possible.

The Arterial Pump That Comes Out On Top

artassist device arterial pump technologyThere’s only one number to call if you want to order, prescribe, or just get more information about the ArtAssist® device:  (888) 4 LEG FLO (888-453-4356). Alternatively, you can email any time of the day.

For our references, see our Clinical Studies page.

To read documented success stories of ArtAssist® device patients, take a look through the Case Reports page.

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ArtAssist® Arterial Pump Technology

Home-use compression device for patients with

Peripheral Arterial Disease

The ArtAssist Arterial Pump Device

The reason we named it “ArtAssist®” is because this specially engineered pump and cuff system gives patients’ limbs exactly what they need to heal:  more arterial blood flow. The ideal candidate for this uniquely optimized, completely non-invasive therapy suffers from severe symptoms of peripheral arterial disease – arterial occlusive disease of the upper and lower extremities. In a mere matter of weeks, patients see dramatic improvements, such as lessening of pain and wounds that finally begin to heal as a result of the improved circulation that ArtAssist®…the Arterial Assist Device® promotes. In as little as 90 days, daily usage of the ArtAssist® device can result in permanent improvements to the treated limb’s arterial circulation.

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Help for your arteries with the ArtAssist® pneumatic compression pump

When you think of pneumatic compression pumps, what comes to mind? A lot of people would say lymphedema, as they are very common.

However, the ArtAssist® device should not be confused with lymphedema treatment because the ArtAssist® device solves an entirely different problem:  facilitating arterial blood flow to the places that need it, especially in the legs and feet (there are also cuffs available for arms, though it is somewhat less common).

So, for example, if you have atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) of the lower extremity or a diabetic foot ulcer, your problems would not be solved with a lymphedema pump. Depending on the nature and severity of your arterial disease, you would be better advised to use the ArtAssist® pump.

Researchers have discovered that, unlike lymphedema pump technology, the ArtAssist® device promoted what we call arteriogenesis, or collateralization These two synonyms refer to the opening of small collateral arteries that already naturally bypass the obstructed artery. We all have these small collateral arteries, but when the main artery has no blockages, the collateral ones aren’t needed.

In this case, a person with a blocked artery needs to take action so that blood gets where it needs to be. Sometimes, people make lifestyle changes, such as dieting and exercising. Other times, people take medication to improve blood flow. And in more severe cases, people resort to surgery such as bypass and endovascular.

The problem is that some people exhaust all of those options and vascular surgeons believe they have no other choice but to amputate – but that’s not true! There is actually one last shot at limb salvage for these patients, and that is the ArtAssist® device. In one clinical study, it was shown to have up to a 94% limb salvage rate even after 3.5 years.

Do be advised, though:  no one would ever recommend that you let it get to the point of amputation. As with all diseases, the earlier you solve the problem, the better.

If you or someone you know could use the ArtAssist® device as a non-surgical solution for PAD, please call our toll free number 888-453-4356 and ask to talk to Don or Lindsay. If you contact me (via WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, email, etc.), I will refer you to either of the two people I just mentioned as quickly as I can – we know how important limb salvage is.

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Diabetic Foot Ulcers: cost realities

Hey, everyone! I recently discovered an excellent site called It is absolutely PACKED with great information about diabetic foot ulcers. If the producer of this website was aiming for a thorough and well-done look at DFU’s, I’d say they achieved it.

Since I’m always looking for cost references, I was so excited by the information I found here. For example, did you know that the annual cost of healing just ONE ulcer with conventional care is $56,516? CRAZY.

Also, I learned that 2/3 or diabetes-related amputations are actually paid for by Medicare. And the cost of a major amputation? $45,000 according to the research on this website.

ACI Medical rents the ArtAssist® device at $1200/3 months to Veteran’s Administrations around the country, at no cost to our veterans. The alternative is 37.5 times more expensive. Our government has enough money troubles, wouldn’t you say?

via Diabetic Foot Ulcers: cost realities.

How was this possible? Learn more by clicking the healed foot:

                                    diabetic foot ulcer     diabetic foot ulcer healed

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Paul van Bemmelen, MD, PhD: Arterial Pumps for Limb Salvage and Wound Healing

paul van bemmelen md phdLast October, Dr. Paul van Bemmelen gave a presentation at the podiatry conference Superbones West about using arterial pump technology to treat peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities.

Click on the link below to view the presentation – it lets you skip to the parts you want to see!

Arterial pumps for limb-salvage and wound-healing

Dr. van Bemmelen’s personal blog:



ArtAssist Arterial Assist Device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

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More research into the cost of lower-limb amputation

Recently, while summarizing key studies for a history and literature review that I’m working on, I was reminded that this particular study (the abstract is below) also included comparative costs.

In this case, you will see that although SCBD (in other words, ArtAssist®) therapy doesn’t exactly come cheap, it’s still less than half the average cost of a primary amputation.

Want to hear even better news? This study yielded an 88% limb salvage rate, even after 18 months. Fancy that.

Edit:  A 3-month rental of the ArtAssist® device in the United States is more than 36 times less expensive than the cost of primary amputation per patient, according to the following study. And even if you take the SCBD patient cost (below), it still sounds like a better deal to me.

Nonoperative Active Management of Critical Limb Ischemia: Initial Experience Using a Sequential Compression Biomechanical Device for Limb Salvage

Sherif Sultan; Olubunmi Esan; Anne Fahy

Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Western Vascular Institute, University College Hospital Galway, Galway, Ireland

Vascular 2008;163:130-139

Critical limb ischemia CLI patients are at high risk of primary amputation. Using a sequential compression biomechanical device SCBD represents a nonoperative option in threatened limbs. We aimed to determine the outcome of using SCBD in amputation-bound nonreconstructable CLI patients regarding limb salvage and 90-day mortality.

Thirty-five patients with 39 critically ischemic limbs rest pain = 12, tissue loss = 27 presented over 24 months. Thirty patients had nonreconstructable arterial outflow vessels, and five were inoperable owing to severe comorbidity scores. All were Rutherford classification 4 or 5 with multilevel disease. All underwent a 12-week treatment protocol and received the best medical treatment.

The mean follow-up was 10 months SD ± 6 months. There were four amputations, with an 18-month cumulative limb salvage rate of 88% standard error [SE] ± 7.62%. Ninety-day mortality was zero. Mean toe pressures increased from 38.2 to 67 mmHg SD ± 33.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 55 – 79. Popliteal artery flow velocity increased from 45 to 47.9 cm/s 95% CI 35.9 – 59.7. Cumulative survival at 12 months was 81.2% SE ± 11.1 for SCBD, compared with 69.2% in the control group SE ± 12.8% p = .4, hazards ratio = 0.58, 95% CI 0.15 – 2.32. The mean total cost of primary amputation per patient is €29,815 ($44,000) in comparison with €13,9000 ($20,515) for SCBD patients.

SCBD enhances limb salvage and reduces length of hospital stay, nonoperatively, in patients with nonreconstructable vessels.

via ACI Medical – ArtAssist® Device.

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Patients should be proactive and aware about their PAD

Today, a man came in to our office to talk to us about renting an ArtAssist® device. He has had peripheral arterial disease for years and previously rented our device a few years back.

He came in because, as he said, wound care in other places wasn’t very well agreed upon, and he saw hair regrowth on his feet when he rented and used our device a few years back. His other options were too costly for him, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (I found a link – click here – to get a ballpark idea of how much each HBO session is).

Today, we wish that more patients were like him because he has lately noticed hair loss on his feet again and is taking steps to prevent his PAD from advancing.

Visit the ArtAssist® device website to see if you or someone you know can benefit from therapy. You can also poke around on the clinical studies page to read what researchers have to say about the device (in a nutshell, it’s efficacious and cost-effective, but don’t feel like you have to take my word for it).

Also, check out all the posts I have on amputation – it would take quite a while to post them all here, but I do have a lot of articles on cost comparison and quality of life.

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Also at Desert Foot 2011: Ideal Adjunct Therapy Solutions

In addition to our theme of laser Doppler demonstrations with the ArtAssist® device, we will also be giving out information about how ArtAssist® therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments.

Take, for example, a case report from Dr. Darwin Eton and Dr. Hong Yu (both from the University of Chicago). They combined intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) therapy (with the ArtAssist® device) with specific doses of a growth factor called granulocyte-colony stimulation factor (G-CSF…and what a mouthful!).

Though the two patients were of different genders and ages and had different conditions, the combination of IPC and G-CSF worked to heal both of their limbs within a year.

Patient 1’s lower extremity necrosis was healed after 5 months of adjunct therapy and Patient 2’s dorsal ankle ulcer and exposed Achilles’ tendon was healed after one year.

You can read the abstract at this link (CLICK HERE).

And again, if you’re going to Desert Foot next week, we hope to see you there!

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