Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Big meetings this week: Desert Foot & VEITHsymposium™

Starting tomorrow, two very important meetings will kick off and experts from ACI Medical will be attending both of them.

If you are attending Desert Foot 2012, the 9th Annual High Risk Diabetic Foot Conference, be sure to attend the 20 minute presentations given by Dr. Darwin Eton (University of Chicago) and Dr. Paul van Bemmelen (Temple University). Both will be talking about how pneumatic compression therapy with arterial pump technology can prevent amputations in non-reconstructible limbs. Both have extensive experience using the ArtAssist® device in a clinical setting.

Here is when you can hear them talk:

Paul van Bemmelen, MD
Wednesday, November 14 from 2:10 PM to 2:30 PM “Pneumatic Compression for Non-Reconstructible PAD”

Darwin Eton, MD
Thursday, November 15 from 5:45 PM to 6:05 PM “Combined Cell Therapy and Pneumatic Compression to Treat Limb Ischemia”

VEITHsymposium™ 2012 will be featuring Professor Andrew Nicolaides of the Imperial College of London. He has been invited to discuss non-reconstructible limb salvage using arterial pump technology during a 5 minute talk on Friday, November 16 from 6:46 AM to 6:51 AM (don’t forget to drink your coffee – hearing him talk is always a treat!). Professor Nicolaides has clinical experience with the ArtAssist® device as well.

As pioneers of ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device® technology, we at ACI Medical invite and encourage you to contact us with your questions about anything from the device’s science to ordering one for your patient:
(888) 453-4356 or

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Help for your arteries with the ArtAssist® pneumatic compression pump

When you think of pneumatic compression pumps, what comes to mind? A lot of people would say lymphedema, as they are very common.

However, the ArtAssist® device should not be confused with lymphedema treatment because the ArtAssist® device solves an entirely different problem:  facilitating arterial blood flow to the places that need it, especially in the legs and feet (there are also cuffs available for arms, though it is somewhat less common).

So, for example, if you have atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) of the lower extremity or a diabetic foot ulcer, your problems would not be solved with a lymphedema pump. Depending on the nature and severity of your arterial disease, you would be better advised to use the ArtAssist® pump.

Researchers have discovered that, unlike lymphedema pump technology, the ArtAssist® device promoted what we call arteriogenesis, or collateralization These two synonyms refer to the opening of small collateral arteries that already naturally bypass the obstructed artery. We all have these small collateral arteries, but when the main artery has no blockages, the collateral ones aren’t needed.

In this case, a person with a blocked artery needs to take action so that blood gets where it needs to be. Sometimes, people make lifestyle changes, such as dieting and exercising. Other times, people take medication to improve blood flow. And in more severe cases, people resort to surgery such as bypass and endovascular.

The problem is that some people exhaust all of those options and vascular surgeons believe they have no other choice but to amputate – but that’s not true! There is actually one last shot at limb salvage for these patients, and that is the ArtAssist® device. In one clinical study, it was shown to have up to a 94% limb salvage rate even after 3.5 years.

Do be advised, though:  no one would ever recommend that you let it get to the point of amputation. As with all diseases, the earlier you solve the problem, the better.

If you or someone you know could use the ArtAssist® device as a non-surgical solution for PAD, please call our toll free number 888-453-4356 and ask to talk to Don or Lindsay. If you contact me (via WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, email, etc.), I will refer you to either of the two people I just mentioned as quickly as I can – we know how important limb salvage is.

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Diabetic Foot Ulcers: cost realities

Hey, everyone! I recently discovered an excellent site called It is absolutely PACKED with great information about diabetic foot ulcers. If the producer of this website was aiming for a thorough and well-done look at DFU’s, I’d say they achieved it.

Since I’m always looking for cost references, I was so excited by the information I found here. For example, did you know that the annual cost of healing just ONE ulcer with conventional care is $56,516? CRAZY.

Also, I learned that 2/3 or diabetes-related amputations are actually paid for by Medicare. And the cost of a major amputation? $45,000 according to the research on this website.

ACI Medical rents the ArtAssist® device at $1200/3 months to Veteran’s Administrations around the country, at no cost to our veterans. The alternative is 37.5 times more expensive. Our government has enough money troubles, wouldn’t you say?

via Diabetic Foot Ulcers: cost realities.

How was this possible? Learn more by clicking the healed foot:

                                    diabetic foot ulcer     diabetic foot ulcer healed

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