Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Hope in the Face of Amputation: Mary Tells Her Mother’s ArtAssist® Device Story

Diana’s note:  I’ve been digging around on the server lately for material I could use to add to this website. I came across two wonderful stories of patients whose lives were regained because they underwent ArtAssist® Device therapy. These people wished for their testimonials to be shared with others with the hope that anyone suffering from severe PAD would know that there’s one more hope before amputation.

Mary’s mother had run out of options and was on her way toward amputation when doctors suggested the ArtAssist® Device. Here is Mary’s letter to ACI Medical on behalf of her mother (identifying information has been omitted, but it is otherwise unabridged):

November 7, 2006
ACI Medical
1857 Diamond Street
San Marcos, CA 92078-5129

To Whom It May Concern:

A little over three months ago, my mother was an active and independent 83 year-old woman, who lived alone, drove a car and took walks around the block. She began to have a very cold foot, trouble walking and developed pain and ulcers on her left foot and ankle. (She experienced pain just putting a sock on her left foot). She became unable to take her walks, in fact, she would call us because she also experienced intermittent extreme pain and could not move from one room to the next without assistance.

She was diagnosed with peripheral vascular occlusive disease. Several tests and visits to specialists indicated my mother was not a candidate for bypass surgery. Amputation was discussed, which would have been necessary if she developed gangrene. In an effort to avoid amputation, the doctors suggested she take the prescriptions Plavex and Pletal and use the ARTERIAL ASSIST DEVICE.

My mother used the ARTERIAL ASSIST DEVICE along with the Plavex and Pletal for a three-month period. I am happy to report to you that my mother is again an active and independent 83 year-old woman who is taking walks around the block! Thank you to the inventors of the ARTERIAL ASSIST DEVICE!

I am writing this letter so that someone out there who may be as severe as my mother was would ask their doctor about trying this device in an effort to avoid amputation or surgery. Sometimes there is hope when you think hope doesn’t exist.

Mary H., Southgate, MI

Next week, you’ll read about a patient whose left leg has been saved not once, but twice thanks to ArtAssist® Arterial Pump Technology!

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Regaining Mobility is No Longer a Pipe Dream! Donald’s ArtAssist® Device Experience

Diana’s note:  I’ve been digging around on the server lately for material I could use to add to this website. I came across two wonderful stories of patients whose lives were regained because they underwent ArtAssist® Device therapy. These people wished for their testimonials to be shared with others with the hope that anyone suffering from severe PAD would know that there’s one more hope before amputation.

Here is Donald’s letter to ACI Medical (identifying information has been omitted, but it is otherwise unabridged):

Email submission:

My wife and I rented the [ArtAssist® device] in June 2004. Between the time that we agreed to the rental, and the machine arriving at our home, I was placed in the hospital and subsequently had an amputation of the fourth toe on my right foot.

My first thank you is to the folks [at ACI] for their kindness and understanding, in adjusting the rental period, allowing me to get out of the hospital before starting the clock. The second thank you is for the extra cuffs that were provided to us when the original ones failed. Although you might not like to hear about your product failing, I was more than satisfied with the action we received from ACI.

Now, lets get to the real reason for my letter. In 2001, my blood flow in my lower legs was 62 in both legs. In 2004, that number dropped to 22 and 21, left and right respectively. Dr. ________ (my family doctor) had read about this apparatus [the ArtAssist® device] and suggested that I try the one he had gotten on loan from you. I did and as I mentioned above, then rented the device for three months and then purchased the machine.

I have been using this machine now for just over 6 months and had a Doppler test done last week. The results of which were beyond amazing. The normal number for a reasonably healthy individual is a percentage of blood pressure readings and would be 96 in both legs. My left leg is now 95, and my right leg is 91. Dr. ________ was as impressed as we were. I can’t begin to express my thanks for all you’ve done for me. I expect to be walking a golf course again this year. ONE YEAR AGO, I THOUGHT THAT WAS A PIPE DREAM!!!!!

Thank you again for all you’ve done, and I hope this letter will help convince others to at least try to turn back time.

Don, Ontario Canada

Stay tuned next week for another patient story of how an 83-year-old woman with foot pain and ulcers went from barely being able to put on a sock to taking walks around the block!

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