Hey, everyone! I recently discovered an excellent site called diabetesfootulcer.com. It is absolutely PACKED with great information about diabetic foot ulcers. If the producer of this website was aiming for a thorough and well-done look at DFU’s, I’d say they achieved it.
Since I’m always looking for cost references, I was so excited by the information I found here. For example, did you know that the annual cost of healing just ONE ulcer with conventional care is $56,516? CRAZY.
Also, I learned that 2/3 or diabetes-related amputations are actually paid for by Medicare. And the cost of a major amputation? $45,000 according to the research on this website.
ACI Medical rents the ArtAssist® device at $1200/3 months to Veteran’s Administrations around the country, at no cost to our veterans. The alternative is 37.5 times more expensive. Our government has enough money troubles, wouldn’t you say?
via Diabetic Foot Ulcers: cost realities.
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