Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Abstract: “How The ArtAssist Pneumatic Compression Device Can Heal Ulcers From CLI & Relieve Rest Pain Noninvasively”

The abstract “How The ArtAssist Pneumatic Compression Device Can Heal Ulcers From Critical Limb Ischemia And Relieve Rest Pain Noninvasively” presented by Prof. Andrew Nicolaides, MS, FRCS at VEITHsymposium 2012 is now available for download from the VEITHsymposium website. We have also included it on our References/Clinical Studies page.


artassist arterial assist device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

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Don’t wait around for insurance to save your leg! – Mark H. in Brattle Boro, VT

Mark has been using the ArtAssist® device for almost 15 years! We are also glad to report that his device has saved his left leg from amputation not once, but twice.

Here is Mark’s letter to us:

“Out of many therapies I tried to heal my ulcer, the ArtAssist device was clearly the most effective. Other treatments generally require a certain amount of circulation to the ulcer, while the ArtAssist device addresses the underlying problem by restoring the blood flow necessary for healing.
I quickly started renting the ArtAssist device and then worried about insurance. If I had waited for insurance approval, I’m convinced I would have lost my leg below the knee – a tremendous expense which they WOULD pay for!”
– Mark H., Brattle Boro, VT

We’re with you on the insurance issue, Mark! For years, ACI Medical has been working to get the ArtAssist® device reimbursed by Medicare and other health insurance providers as a treatment that’s WAY less expensive than amputation.

Clinical studies (including a randomized controlled trial) show that ArtAssist® device therapy is 86%-94% effective at preventing the amputation of limbs that are critically ischemic. This is because the ArtAssist® device was specifically designed to increase arterial blood flow to the lower extremities, providing the nutrients and oxygen necessary to promote healing.

The ArtAssist® device is especially useful for patients who, for some reason, cannot have bypass surgery to restore blood flow.

It is recommended that doctors prescribe ArtAssist® device therapy for their patients 1 hour TID for 90 days and send it along with their patients’ contact information to ACI Medical, where they can also talk to experts on Arterial Pump Technology:

Fax:  (760) 744-4401
Toll Free:  (888) 453-4356

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The Gift of Limb Salvage: Claire’s Experience with the ArtAssist® Device

“Try it! What do you have to lose except your leg! It’s worth it and there’s absolutely no pain!” – Claire T., Tucson, AZ

ArtAssist Arterial Assist Device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

As I may have mentioned before, knowing that our product changed someone’s life for the better makes all of our work WORTH IT. Claire’s life as she knew it was about to take a turn for the worse, so when her doctors recommended she try the ArtAssist® Arterial Assist Device®, she jumped at the chance.

Claire and her daughter co-wrote our staff a wonderful letter, chronicling her entire experience:


Dear Don and Sylvia,
I am helping to write this letter with my mom (Claire T. / Tucson, Arizona) to give you a little documentation how the ArtAssistDevice has helped to save her leg. Here is the time sequence:

  • My mom had a cadaver artery put in her right leg in order to possibly save her leg. (Advanced PAD disease). This was in March of 2011.
  • In early August, the cadaver artery stopped working because the smaller arteries in my mom’s feet became too narrow. No more surgery could be done. She goes on Vicodin for the pain.
  • Later part of August 2011, Dr. Luis L mentioned that if he could get the device, would she be willing to try it in order to save her leg. She said “YES!”
  • Device arrives on September 6, 2011 and she immediately uses it for 1 hour /3 times a day / 7 days a week. A lot of pain in her right leg. She is sleeping very little because of pain by the end of the second week, there is remarkable improvement. She can walk without pain in her leg for short distances and sleeps for about 4 hours before the pain returns. By the first part of October, she starts to use the device for 4 times a day. We travel to Phoenix for her grandson’s wedding and she is able to attend! Pain in the leg has diminished quite a bit but there is still tingling in the foot and toes.
  • By December, she gets off of pain pills and only takes Tylenol.
  • By the first part of January, the tingling in her toes is gone. She drops the times using the device to 3 times a day.
  • By February, she is walking for about ½ mile every day for about 20 minutes.
  • In March, the Doppler from Dr. Michael L shows her blood flow in that leg has increased quite a bit. She cuts back on the number of times per day to 1 or 2.
  • In late March, she develops a small but deep ulcer on her toe on her right foot. It becomes infected. (Sorry No Pictures. It was too small to show up on my camera) Dr. L is concerned that he might have to amputate it. He tells her to use the machine. She goes back to using it 1 hour 3 times per day. The toe within 2 weeks has improved dramatically so amputation is not discussed any more.
  • In mid June, she has another Doppler. It shows more collaterals being made and something was said that an artery that was previously blocked is no longer and he could use it in a bypass if he had to! The ulcer still has a scab but no longer hurts her.
  • She is currently using the machine for 1 hour/ 3 times per day. She is able to walk ½ mile daily with minimal pain. The pain comes in her calf but only lasts for 1 or 2 minutes and then she starts walking again.
  • If it wasn’t for your machine, the doctors have said she would have lost her leg. We believe this. We have seen it. It is a wonderful gift.

Thank you also for the wonderful customer service. You were always such a big help.

Claire T.
Evelyn F.

Big thanks to Claire and her daughter for sharing their uplifting story with us!

Claire T. has given this information freely and has been made aware of her rights to the content she has provided via written consent.

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Paul van Bemmelen, MD, PhD: Arterial Pumps for Limb Salvage and Wound Healing

paul van bemmelen md phdLast October, Dr. Paul van Bemmelen gave a presentation at the podiatry conference Superbones West about using arterial pump technology to treat peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities.

Click on the link below to view the presentation – it lets you skip to the parts you want to see!

Arterial pumps for limb-salvage and wound-healing

Dr. van Bemmelen’s personal blog:



ArtAssist Arterial Assist Device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

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