Pioneering Non-Invasive Vascular Technologies Since 1984

Abstract: “How The ArtAssist Pneumatic Compression Device Can Heal Ulcers From CLI & Relieve Rest Pain Noninvasively”

The abstract “How The ArtAssist Pneumatic Compression Device Can Heal Ulcers From Critical Limb Ischemia And Relieve Rest Pain Noninvasively” presented by Prof. Andrew Nicolaides, MS, FRCS at VEITHsymposium 2012 is now available for download from the VEITHsymposium website. We have also included it on our References/Clinical Studies page.


artassist arterial assist device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

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Paul van Bemmelen, MD, PhD: Arterial Pumps for Limb Salvage and Wound Healing

paul van bemmelen md phdLast October, Dr. Paul van Bemmelen gave a presentation at the podiatry conference Superbones West about using arterial pump technology to treat peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities.

Click on the link below to view the presentation – it lets you skip to the parts you want to see!

Arterial pumps for limb-salvage and wound-healing

Dr. van Bemmelen’s personal blog:



ArtAssist Arterial Assist Device

ArtAssist®…The Arterial Assist Device®

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